Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Taman Sari; One of the most historical buildings in Yogyakarta

Taman Sari or known as Taman Sari Water Castle is one of the cultural heritages from Imperial Palace of Yogyakarta (Keraton Yogyakarta) that still standing until now. Taman Sari is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Tamansari is located about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace. It built by Portuguese architect in European aquatic construction adorned with Javanese Symbolize ornaments. Tamansari was built in the Sultan Hamengku Buwono I period in the end of XVII Century. Tamansari not only just a recreation, but it's also a compound of bathing pool, canals, rooms and extremely large swimming pool (if the canals opened).

Picture 1.
One side of Tamansari Water Castle
The name of Taman Sari comes from the Javanese words taman, meaning a "garden" or "park" and sari, which means "beautiful" or "flowers". Hence, the name Taman Sari means an area of a beautiful garden adorned with flowers. An old article described it as a "water castle" (Dutch: waterkasteel); as by shutting the watergates, the complex would be completely immersed in water, leaving tall structures standing out.
The main object from Taman Sari is a pool of water that surrounded by water as high as 6 meters. From the history, this place is using to bath pool for wife of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Sultan can see his wife from the high place like tower in this building.
Picture 2.
Tamansari in the night
There is mosque is known Masjid Sokotunggal, a unique mosque with a single pillar that is different from Javanese traditional architecture. Although built in the early of XX century, the mosque gives another attraction of this area. Taman village is lies in the Tamansari complex nearby known for the batik craft. Visitor can buy or watch handmade process for both batik painting and batik clothes. Therefore people from all over Indonesia and abroad have visited this village. Not far from Tamansari is Ngasem traditional market, the biggest bird market in Yogyakarta. All of those attractions have made Tamansari become one of main tourist object in Yogyakarta besides Yogyakarta Palace.
Picture 3.
Tamansari is very interesting to visit. Besides the location is very closed to the Sultan palace, Tamansari has it owned specialty in attraction reflecting in some unimpaired ancient building and its atmosphere as the main tourist object of Yogyakarta.

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