Friday, December 23, 2011

Dieng Wonosobo; The Beautiful Plateau in Central Java

Dieng is an area in the plateau that located between Wonosobo and Banjarnegara, in Central Java. This area has located around 26 km north Wonosobo, with height until 6000 feet or 2.093 m. The temperature in Dieng is cold for Indonesia climate, on the day the temperature around 15 until 20° C and 10° C on the night. Even in July-August the temperature can reach 0° C in the morning.

There are many objects for touring in Dieng, such as:

  1. Telaga Warna is a lake that has showing many colors, like red, white, green blue and violet. ‘Telaga’ it mean lake, and ‘Warna’ it mean colors.
  2.  Telaga Pengilon.
  3.  Kettle, there are some kettle, such as Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila.
  4.  The kompleks of Hindu’s temple that built on the 7th century.
  5. Gua Semar or Semar Cave.
  6. Sumur Jalatunda.
  7. Mata air Sungai Serayu.

The name of Dieng has taken from old Sunda’s language, the word “Di” is mean ‘place or mountain’ and “Hyang” have mean ‘Gods. The meaning of Dieng is a place for gods. The name of Dieng is from Sunda’s language, because before 600 M, Dieng has been stayed with Sundanesse Ethnic.
Dieng is formed from old Volcano, Prau Mountain, which has been dislocation or subsidence. From that subsidence is show up many little mountain, they are Alang Mountain, Nagasari, Panglimunan, Pangonan, Gajahmungkur and Pakuwaja. Some mountain still active until now.


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