Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tana Toraja, The Beautiful Culture from South Sulawesi

Tana Toraja is one of regency in South Sulawesi; it’s located around 350 km from North Makassar. Tana Toraja is known with the traditional houses that called Tongkonan. The shapes from this house is unique, it has a huge roof, like buffalo horns. Beside the traditional houses, Tana Toraja is also known for the culture. If in Bali we know about Ngaben for funeral ritual, in Toraja funeral is known with Rambu Solo.

Picture 1.
Rambu Solo ceremony

Rambu Solo is a big ceremony in Toraja, it’s like a party but for the dead. Every family must slaughtering buffalo, and the number of buffalo is different depending of the class of community. Tana Toraja is inhabited by ethnic Toraja, in there we can see many sacred places, like Londa, Lemo, Batu Tumonga, Kete’Kesu etc.

Picture 2.

Many interesting event in Toraja like Rambu Solo (funeral) and Rambu Tuka (is like thanks giving), both of them is the annual event in there. Besides that, visitors are also can see the storage bodies in holding of corpse. This place is like containers in a big size with 3 meters of the width and 10 meters for the height. And also there are tongkongan with 600 years old in Londa, Rantepao. Tana Toraja is offering culture and history education for tourist.

Picture 3.
Tongkonan, traditional house of tana toraja

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